#Exhibit of the Month


The great ruler Stephen the Great, outstanding army commander and diplomat, was also concerned during his life with the economic prosperity of the country, supporting the development of crafts, trade and fairs. During his reign, groși and half groși minted in the dinar system were issued, a monetary system introduced in Moldova during the last reign of Petru Aron (1455-1457).

The coins were minted from silver of superior title, those that reflect stability in the economic life of the country at that time. Their masterful execution at the Suceava mint is among the beautiful artistic achievements during the reign of Stephen the Great.

During his reign, two types of issues were minted, for the two denominations: groși and half groși.

Type I issues have a split shield on the obverse; in the first quarter appears a rose surmounted by a cross and three fascias, in the second quarter. For the epigraph issues (groși), the image is accompanied by the circular legend with the name of the issuer: + STEFANVS VOIEVODA. On the other side appears the bour's head with a star between the horns accompanied by the heraldic furniture - the rose and the contoured crescent, placed to the right and left of the bour's head; circular legend: MOLDAVIE COIN.

On type II coins in the shield on the obverse appears a patriarchal cross (double) and the legend STEFANVSVOIEVOD or abbreviated STEFANVSVOIE. On the reverse, as in type I, the bour's head with heraldic attributes is preserved: rose right/crescent left and crescent right/rose left. A star or rose appears between the ox's horns. The legend accompanying the face with the bour head is MONETAMOLDAVI or abbreviated MONETAMOLDA.

The dating of Stephen the Great's coins is still under discussion. According to one opinion, type I issues were minted between 1457-1476, and type II between 1480/1481-1505 (Octavian Iliescu), and another 1465/1467-1475/1476 for type I and 1476/1479-1497 for type II (Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu).

The coins in this showcase were discovered during the archaeological excavations at Orheiul Vechi (Trebujeni, Orhei district) in the 6th and 7th decades of the 20th century:

1. Type I money issues, groși, silver
2. Type II money issues, groși, silver
3. Type II coin issue, half groși, silver

Virtual Tour


"The era of Stephen the Great reflected through the museum heritage on both banks of the Prut"

7 - 21 November 2023

Voivode Stephen the Great of Moldavia occupies a place of honor in world history, not only for his excellent qualities as a statesman, diplomat and military leader, but also for the fervor with which he defended Christianity. He understood then that the real power of Moldova is not given by the extent of the land nor by the abundance of its resources, but by work, moral principles and the seriousness with which a people shapes its destiny. Thus, he managed to make his country an important state power in the southeastern area of medieval Europe. That is why the era of Stephen the Great (1457-1504) represented the most fruitful period in the existence of the medieval Moldavian state, with an unprecedented political, economic, social and cultural-artistic development on both banks of the Prut.

At the same time, Stephen the Great strictly applied the clear principle that shows that "if you don't know how to build, don't tear down!", and his concrete work of dignity, wisdom, bravery and brilliant clairvoyance fully demonstrated this. It was a unique and extremely beneficial work for the country of Moldova. The great gentleman always paid due attention to the development of trade, crafts and the welfare of his people and was a true "country builder". He built fortresses and princely courts from Hotin, Soroca, Orhei to Cetatea Albă and Chilia, from Suceava, Botoșani, Iași to Neamţ, Roman and Bacău, from Iaşi and Vaslui to Bârlad and Berheci, but - more chosen - he founded the wonderful array of churches and monasteries, those real "burning candles and vigil lights and spiritual strength" from Voroneț, Humor, Putna, Suceava, Popăuți-Botoşani, Pătrăuți, Bălineşti, Arbore, Căpriana, Neamț, Războieni, Bacău, Borzești, Trotuș, Iasi, Hârlau, Dobrovăț, Vaslui, Huși and Bârlad. Thus, in an era of creative syntheses, Stefanian art and culture combined the wisdom of the word with the beauty of the image. A calm and luminous art, at the same time, in which the Orthodox faith and the specifically medieval life were twinned. The beauty of the art of Ştefan's era represents itself even now, simple and grand, enthroning mysteriously over time.

In this broad context, the "Ștefan cel Mare" Vaslui County Museum - as part of the "Ștefan cel Mare - common history, common heritage, Soroca-Vaslui" Project and having as partners the Soroca District Council and the Vaslui County Council - organizes together with the Museum National Museum of the History of Moldova in Chisinau, a traveling thematic exhibition that includes replica objects of the Stefanian heritage that it owns.

Although today there are few objects that are directly related to the person of Ştefan-Vodă and his family, the exhibition event tries to reconstruct the atmosphere of the era of Ştefan the Great and his cultural heritage. The exhibition reflects a flourishing material and spiritual culture of the Republic of Moldova of that period, especially by displaying replicas of weapons and battle objects, tiles, ornamental discs, cult pieces, ornamental and household ceramic objects, as well as objects and wooden and iron craft tools, to which are also added replicas of cavalry and harness pieces specific to the Stefanian era (the vast majority coming from the Church and Royal Court in Vaslui). There is no shortage of popular crafts, emblems of Moldova (flags, coat of arms), paftals or even musical instruments (whistles and horses), and the model of the Soroca Fortress is also on display.

Finally, the need to organize this exhibition event came from the lack of a strategy to raise awareness among potential culture lovers and tourists regarding the cultural-historical and touristic heritage related to the era of Stephen the Great both in Romania and in the Republic of Moldova.

This itinerant thematic exhibition aims to organize at national and international level a cultural and scientific event that will develop new audiences and promote education for the protection of the cultural and historical heritage from the period of Stephen the Great, as well as raise public awareness of the value indisputable of that era. The event will contribute to the development of a tourism network in the Republic of Moldova (CHIŞINĂU and SOROCA District) and Romania (VASLUI County), by increasing the attractiveness of the historical heritage related to the era of Stephen the Great and the cultural-tourist objectives in the interest areas of of the project, by highlighting the personality and historical facts of this great voivode of Moldova, in order to increase the awareness of potential tourists from the eligible area of the Program, thus responding to the achievement of the general objective of the project.


Independent Moldova
Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic
Bessarabia and MASSR between the Two World Wars
Bessarabia and Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the Period between the Two World Wars
Revival of National Movement
Time of Reforms and their Consequences
Abolition of Autonomy. Bessarabia – a New Tsarist Colony
Period of Relative Autonomy of Bessarabia within the Russian Empire
Phanariot Regime
Golden Age of the Romanian Culture
Struggle for Maintaining of Independence of Moldova
Formation of Independent Medieval State of Moldova
Era of the
Great Nomad Migrations
Early Middle Ages
Iron Age and Antiquity
Bronze Age
Aeneolithic Age
Neolithic Age
Palaeolithic Age

Come to Museum! Discover the History!
Visit museum
Visit museum
Summer schedule: daily
10am – 6pm.

Winter schedule: daily
10am – 5pm.
Closed on Mondays.
Entrance fees:  adults - 10 MDL, pensioners, adults with moderate disabilities / disability of the 3rd degree, students - 5 MDL, school students - 2 MDL. Free access: enlisted men (...)

WiFi Free Wi-Fi Zone in the museum: In the courtyard of the National History Museum of Moldova there is Wi-Fi Internet access for visitors.

#Exhibit of the Month

The great ruler Stephen the Great, outstanding army commander and diplomat, was also concerned during his life with the economic prosperity of the country, supporting the development of crafts, trade and fairs. During his reign, groși and half groși minted in the dinar system were issued, a monetary system introduced in Moldova during the last reign of Petru Aron (1455-1457)...


The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC


The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC

The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC