The exhibit of the month for November is a rare glass goblet from the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov cemetery, discovered in Tigheci. Dated to the second half of the 4th century AD, this remarkable artifact demonstrates the craftsmanship of the time, made from translucent greenish glass with a truncated cone shape and intricate geometric decoration. The goblet features three rows of hexagonal facets, framed by incised lines, and a row of elongated ovals under the rim, characteristics which classify it within Series VII A, according to E. Straume's classification. These ornamental traits hint at artistic influences from various regions and indicate the spread of technologies and ideas within the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov culture.
Archaeological Context of the Discovery
The Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov cemetery at Tigheci is located in a historically complex area, positioned on the northwest slope of the Tigheci River, at the "La Lutărie" point. First identified in the 1980s following unauthorized clay extraction, the cemetery has suffered considerable damage, leading to the loss of valuable artifacts and the destruction of graves. Among the objects recovered by Mr. Ion Pușcașu, founder of the Museum of History and Ethnography in Tigheci, are wheel-thrown ceramic items reflecting the traditions and techniques of communities during the Migration Period.
The site was first archaeologically investigated in 1990, when a complete inhumation grave was found, though lacking any inventory. Subsequent surveys in 2013 and 2015 by the National Archaeological Agency revealed ongoing erosion damaging the cemetery, necessitating a rescue excavation in 2017. This campaign documented and investigated five graves from the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov culture, including the skeletal remains of a male individual estimated to have been 40 to 45 years old at the time of death, offering additional insights into the demographic structure of this community.
Cultural Significance and Comparisons
The hexagonally faceted glass goblet is among the most valuable artifacts from the Tigheci cemetery. Similar goblets are characteristic of the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov culture and have been found in notable sites such as Târgșor and Bârlad-Valea Seacă (Romania) and Gavrilovka, Ranjevoe (Ukraine), reflecting the cultural and trade connections of this community with other centers of influence in Late Antiquity. Ancient texts and cultural parallels suggest a complex interaction zone with Hellenistic and Roman influences, reflected in luxury goods production such as this glass goblet.
Anuarul Muzeului Național de Istorie a Moldovei, nr. I
Chișinău, 1992
I. Studii
• Nicolae A. Răilean, Istoria există numai prin adevăr • Nicolae A. Chetraru, Primul arheolog basarabean Ion C. Surucean și primul muzeu de istorie a Moldovei • Grigorie P. Jitaru, Contribuții la istoricul blazonului Basarabilor • Vlad D. Ghimpu, Considerații privind evoluția procesului etnic în Moldova • Mihai Sofronie, Vasile Stroescu, un mare mecenat al românilor transilvăneni • Л.Г. Амшеников, Молдавские поселения на Украине
II. Istorie veche și arheologie
• И.А. Борзияк, А.И. Давид, Т.Ф. Обадэ, Климэуць II – верхне-палеолитическая стоянка с мамонтовой фауной в Приднестровье • О.Г. Левицкий, Е.Н. Савва, Л.Ф. Чобан, Исследование курганного могильника раннего железного века у с. Тринка. • В.Я. Сорокин, Орудия труда и хозяйство племен культуры Прекукутень-Триполъе А на территории Молдовы • Н.В. Гольцева, Два кинжалa-меча эпохи бронзы из собрания Национального музея истории Молдовы • В.П. Хахеу, О гетских памятниках Левобережья Молдовы. • Г.И. Постикэ, Новые данные о средневековом горизонте в Старом Орхее • Natalia N. Mateevici, Colecțiile fondului de arheologie ale Muzeului Național de istorie a Moldovei
III. Istorie
• Mihai P. Onilă, Satele din județele Lăpușna, Orhei și Soroca care au fost închinate mănăstirilor (sec. XV-XVII) • Pavel S. Cocîrla, Unele dale privitoare la administrația ținutului și tîrgului Orhei la sfîrșitul sec. XVI - prima jumătate a sec. XVII • Liuba C. Bîrsan, Pîrcalabii cetăților de pe Nistru în timpul domniei lui Ştefan cel Mare • И.Е. Гончарова, Монеты феодальной Молдовы • В.Б. Букарский, План лагеря Карла XII. Из фондов Национального музея истории Молдовы • Olimpia Palamariu, Monede și medalii din sec. XVII-XIX din colecția Muzeului Hunedoara-Deva • Valentin N. Tomulet, Noi opinii privind dezvoltarea comerțului Basarabiei în prima jumătate a sec. XIX • Ludmila P. Nastase, Spre Nilul Albastru. (Destinul unui basarabean - Petru V. Şciusev). • Măria V. Hasnas, Ziarul Basarabia - cîteva file de arhiva • Elena T. Postică, Contribuții la cercetarea activității administrației românești în Basarabia în primele luni ale Marii Uniri • Virgiliu Teodorescu, Monumentele ridicate în orașul Chișinău în 1918-1940 • О.Ю. Щипакина, Страницы былого • А.А. Кушнир, Оперная певица и педагог Лидия Бабич • А.М. Кракан, Академическая капеллa "Дойна" • Nadejda V. Lavric, Soarta dramatică a orașului basarabean • Д.А. Крупейников, Стали героми на земле Молдовы • И.Ф. Рыжова, Грустная память • Л.А. Репринцева, Депортация 1949 года в Молдавии в коллекциях Музея • Alexei P. Zagaievschi, Satul Cosăuți - file din istorie
IV. Muzeografie și arhivistică
• П.П. Старостенко, Музей Древностей Понта Скифского И.К. Суручана в Кишиневе • Eugenia V. Borodac, Cerințe la descrierea unor categorii de obiecte muzeistice • Gheorghe Rusu, Arhivele Statului din Iași. La 160 de ani de la înființare
The exhibit of the month for November is a rare glass goblet from the Sântana de Mureș-Chernyakhov cemetery, discovered in Tigheci. Dated to the second half of the 4th century AD, this remarkable artifact demonstrates the craftsmanship of the time, made from translucent greenish glass with a truncated cone shape and intricate geometric decoration....
The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.