Porcelain is a material that has sparked great interest throughout history, and its production has been a true challenge. Also known as "white gold," porcelain is a white, translucent ceramic material obtained by firing a paste of kaolin, quartz, and feldspar, along with other additives, at high temperatures. It was first discovered and used in China. The first Chinese porcelain objects arrived in Europe in the 13th century, but a broader spread of Chinese porcelain on the European continent is recorded in the 17th century. The technology for producing porcelain was kept a secret by the Chinese for a very long time.
The first hard-paste porcelain manufactory in Europe, located in the city of Meissen, was established in 1710 due to discoveries in porcelain production made by Saxon mathematician and physicist Ehrenfried Walter von Tschirnhaus (1661-1708), which were put into practice by the royal court alchemist Johann Friedrich Böttger (1682-1718). He invented the glaze and achieved the complete fusion of the shard and the glaze. The Meissen factory, still operational today, has created and continues to create a vast range of porcelain products. Crafted by the finest artists, sculptors, and engravers, who use unique hand-painted colors and exclusive designs, Meissen products are of exceptional quality and elegance, enjoying worldwide fame.
The tea set, partially consisting of seven pieces (teapot, milk jug, sugar bowl, and two cups with saucers), displayed in this showcase, is a product of the famous Meissen factory in the Kingdom of Saxony, Germany. It was crafted in the first half of the 19th century from high-quality porcelain. The exhibit became part of the collection of the National Museum of History of Moldova through a transfer from the "G. Cotovschi" Memorial House in Hâncești, which was closed in 1989-1990.
The decoration of these pieces is remarkable, featuring hand-painted "German flowers," one of the well-known styles of floral and plant decoration practiced by Meissen craftsmen since the 18th century. They were influenced by Chinese porcelain, which was often adorned with images of flowers and fruits. A distinctive feature of this decorative style was the "scattered flowers" arrangement, where floral elements were placed as individual blossoms or bouquets across the surface of porcelain objects.
The marking on the underside of the pieces consists of two crossed swords, elements borrowed from the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Saxony, applied by hand with cobalt paint under the glaze. With slight variations in the representation of the swords, this mark has been used since 1722 and continues to the present day. The mark on this tea set is characterized by prominent dots on the crossed swords, a feature used at the Meissen factory between 1815 and 1860.
The polychrome floral painting, gilding, and the application of a rosebud on the lids of the teapot and sugar bowl lend a sublime delicacy to these pieces, making them rare and exquisite.
Anuarul Muzeului Național de Istorie a Moldovei, nr. II
Chișinău, 1995
I. Studii
• Nicolae Răileanu,Din istoria muzeului Regional al Basarabiei • Grigore Jitaru, Blazonul Basarabilor. Secolul XIV • A.I. Sâci, Imigrația românească în Canada, anii 1900-1939 • Grigore Bârsa, Narodnicismul lui C. Stere: între real și ipoteze • Jipa Rotaru, Primele unități militare Naționale Basarabene în slujba unirii cu România • lohan Engstrom, The Caroline Army
II. Istorie veche și arheologie
• Nicolae Chetraru, Contribuții la cunoașterea paleoliticului inferior în Moldova • Nicolae Chetraru, Bobulesti VI - o stațiune de la începutul paleoliticului superior în Moldova • Ilie Borziac, Podgori I - o nouă stațiune pluristratigrafică din paleolitul superior în bazinul Nistrului Mijlociu • Natalia Golțeva, Considerații preliminare asupra stratigrafiei cultural-cronologice a cetățuei Hlinjeni II • Natalia Golțeva, Toporul de piatră de la Şoldănești • Natalia Mateevici, Toarte de amfore ștampilate în fondurile Muzeului
III. Istorie
• Vlad D. Ghimpu, O ctitorie domnească în Basarabia: mănăstirea Căpriana • Mihai Onilă, File din istoria bisericii «Intrarea în biserica» din satul Râșcova, secolul XVIII • Valeriu Bucarschi, O hartă a Moldovei din secolul XVIII • Maria Hasnaș, Kazimiriștii în Basarabia • Elena Ploșnița, Aspecte privind dezvoltarea presei de limbă în Basarabia • Alexandru Roman, Rolul academicianului Dmitrie Onciul în istoria arhivelor din Basarabia • И.В. Жалоба,Буковинский сплав леса Прутом и его притоками в XIX - начале XX вв. • Irina Gonciarova, Arhitectul basarabean Cristofor Nicolaidi • Antonina Cracan, Cantacuzinii în Basarabia. File istorice • Maria Pripa, Din tezaurul spiritual al neamului. M.Berezovschi • Aurelia Cornețchi, Liceul de fete din Comrat • О.Ю. Щипакина, Коллективизация в СССР и ее последствия для Автономной Республики Молдавии • Elvira Vacula, Aspecte din activitatea societăților de binefacere din Basarabia • Nadejda Lavric, Din amintirile ostașilor basarabeni din armata română • Д.А. Крупейников, Молдаване - Герои Советского Союза • Ala Robu, Represiile - mijloc de menținere a sistemului administrativ de comandă • И.Ф. Рыжова, Раскулачивание 1949 года в Молдавии • Л.И. Пасиковская,Операция «Север» • Vera Belous, Deportați din motive politice • Elena Postică, File din istoria mișcării de eliberare Națională din Basarabia în anii postbelici • Ю.А. Марчук, Из истории балканских войн 1871-1878 годов
IV. Muzeografie și arhivistică
• Mustafa ali Mehmed, Jipa Rotaru, Ion Deboveanu, Principatele Române în vâltoarea preliminărilor păcii Ruso-Turce de la București din 29 mai 1812
V. Recenzii
• Ilie Borziac, Nicolae Chetraru, Alexandru Păunescu. Ripiceni-Izvor. Paleolitic și mezolitic. Studiu monografic. București, 1993
Porcelain is a material that has sparked great interest throughout history, and its production has been a true challenge. Also known as "white gold," porcelain is a white, translucent ceramic material obtained by firing a paste of kaolin, quartz, and feldspar, along with other additives, at high temperatures...
The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.