#Exhibit of the Month


This remarkable portrait of Mihai Eminescu, created by artist Alexandru Gușanov, is based on one of the four known photographs of the poet. The photograph that inspired this portrait was taken in 1869 in Wenceslas Square, Prague, when Eminescu was only 19 years old. The oval composition and harmonious color palette highlight the prominent personality and charisma of the young poet, capturing an expression that conveys both melancholy and intellectual depth.
Alexandru Gușanov (1929-2005), a Moldovan painter of Ukrainian origin, distinguished himself through his extensive work, comprising approximately 5,000 pieces - portraits, landscapes, and still life paintings. Settled in Moldova since 1945, Gușanov graduated from the Republican Art School "I.E. Repin" in Chișinău in 1952. His works were showcased in numerous national and international exhibitions and were highly appreciated in countries such as France, Hungary, Russia, and Yugoslavia. The artist dedicated a significant part of his career to creating portraits of historical and cultural figures, including Dimitrie Cantemir, Mihail Kogălniceanu, and Alexei Mateevici, which are part of the National Museum of History of Moldova's collection.

The subject of the portrait, Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889), is the most significant poet in Romanian literature, whose works reflect profound thought, sensitivity toward nature, and national identity. At the age of 19, when the photograph that inspired this portrait was taken, Eminescu was in the midst of his intellectual formation, preparing to become the iconic voice of Romanian culture. Among his most famous works is the poem Luceafărul (The Morning Star), a masterpiece of universal literature.

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Publications Journal „Tyragetia"   vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 2

Mysteries, myths and realities regarding the testament of Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł
ISSN 1857-0240
E-ISSN 2537-6330

Mysteries, myths and realities regarding the testament of Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie Chișinău, 2015


The matter of Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł’s will is one of little-known questions. Usually this issue was considered by historians in the context of property of the Radziwill family, or used by writers in literary fiction that gave rise to many myths. In this article the author examines this question in several ways: 1) The property brought by Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł, a daughter of Vasile Lupu, as a dowry; 2) Wiano and wedding gifts; 3) Awards of Polish kings for life ownership of real property; 4) The property of her husband. The amount of the dowry of Maria is not exactly known, but according to documentary evidence, it numbered from 600,000 to 2000,000 zlotys: 450 thousand in money and 150 thousand in jewels (gold and silver). Besides, she received six starostwos (territorial units) for life tenure. After the death of Janusz Radziwiłł (1655), Maria tried to return the money and jewelry from her dowry, which was at the time under the custody of a cousin of her husband - Bogusław Radziwiłł, but he evaded the return of its property. Maria Radziwiłł has repeatedly appealed for help to the king, her relatives and tribunals, but could not get justice. She died in 1660, leaving a will. Her heirs managed to return 471,400 zlotys, which were given to 13 convents, seven churches, Slutsk School, Vilnius Boarding School, and 3 hospitals. 600 zlotys were unsubscribed to the service of forty Prayers. Monastery of the Holy Spirit in Vilnius got 200 thousand zlotys. The remaining heirs received from 400,000 to 100 zlotys. The closest relatives of Maria Radziwiłł – Gospodar Stefaniță, her half brother on the father, and her sister Ruxandra, Tymish Khmelnytsky’s widow, also actively fought for her property. The author concludes that the relatives did not appear in her will. Disputes regarding Maria’s property lasted until the beginning of the 19th century that later (and up to the present) gave rise to many legends and myths.

List of annexes and illustrations:
Annex 1. Fragment of the document: Regestr skarbnice albo rzeczy Radziwiłłowny koniuszanki WXL która posyła z Królewca. 1670, Królewic (56 stron), str. 21v-22 (Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka Rankraščių skyrius).
Annex 2. Fragment of the document: Археографический сборник документовЪ относящихся кЪ исторiи Северозападной Руси (Вильнюс 1870), 373-374, док. 91 Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka Rankraščių skyrius, F4-(A231)18003, 18004).
Annex 3. Fragment of the document: Археографический сборник документовъ относящихся къ исторiи Северозападной Руси (Вильнюс 1870), 373-374, док. 91 Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka Rankraščių skyrius, F4-(A231)18003, 18004).
Annex 4. Fragment of the document: Regestr skarbnice albo rzeczy Radziwiłłowny koniuszanki WXL która posyła z Królewca. 1670, Królewic (56 stron), str. 45 (Vilniaus universiteto biblioteka Rankraščių skyrius).
Annex 5. Fragment of the document: Lietuvos Valstybes Istorijos Archyvas, F. 1280 (Radivilos 1416-1939), A. 1, nr.
599, 76 v (Zablódow 1581-1824).
Fig. 1. Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł (copy of the portrait by Matthäus Merian (Jr.) made by unknown artist. Dział Doku- mentacji Wizualnej i Digitalizacji. Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie).
Fig. 2. Janusz Radziwiłł, husband of Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł (after Leybowicz 1758). Fig. 3. Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł (after Leybowicz 1758).
Fig. 4. Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł (from colection of M. Berson).
Fig. 5. Orthodox Church from Kedainiai (Keydani) (a-b - after Kedainiai Regional Museum; c-d - photo by the author).
Fig. 6. Bogusław Radziwiłł, husband of Anna Maria Radziwiłł (after Leybowicz 1758). Fig. 7. Anna Maria Radziwiłł (after Leybowicz 1758).
Fig. 8. Portrait of Maria (Lupu) Radziwiłł (unknown author) (https://www.google.MariaRadziwill). Fig. 9. Ludwika Karolina Radziwiłł (after Leybowicz 1758).

Lilia Zabolotnaia
The Movileshti and its descendants. Unknown pages
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. II [XVII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Lilia Zabolotnaia
Epistolary heritage of women’s texts. Private correspondence of the Cantemir sisters
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. XVII [XXXII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Lilia Zabolotnaia
Helena Krasowska, The Polish Minority in South-Eastern Ukraine. Warsaw: Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2017, 389 p. ISBN: 978-83-64031-65-6
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. XII [XXVII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Lilia Zabolotnaia
Helena Krasowska, Polacy w naddniestrzu. Świadectwo zanikającego dziedzictwa (Poles in Transnistria. A testimony to a disappearing heritage). Wydawnictwo: Studium Europy Wschodniej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa, 2024, 350 str. ISBN 978-83-67208-22-2
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. XVIII [XXXIII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie
Lilia Zabolotnaia
The destiny of woman in the history of Moldavia. Myths and realities about Catherine the Circassian – the second wife of the hospodar Vasile Lupu
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VII [XXII], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie



Independent Moldova
Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic
Bessarabia and MASSR between the Two World Wars
Bessarabia and Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the Period between the Two World Wars
Revival of National Movement
Time of Reforms and their Consequences
Abolition of Autonomy. Bessarabia – a New Tsarist Colony
Period of Relative Autonomy of Bessarabia within the Russian Empire
Phanariot Regime
Golden Age of the Romanian Culture
Struggle for Maintaining of Independence of Moldova
Formation of Independent Medieval State of Moldova
Era of the
Great Nomad Migrations
Early Middle Ages
Iron Age and Antiquity
Bronze Age
Aeneolithic Age
Neolithic Age
Palaeolithic Age
Over 2500 pieces made of precious metals with historic, artistic and symbolic value

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#Exhibit of the Month

This remarkable portrait of Mihai Eminescu, created by artist Alexandru Gușanov, is based on one of the four known photographs of the poet. The photograph that inspired this portrait was taken in 1869 in Wenceslas Square, Prague, when Eminescu was only 19 years old...


The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2025 National Museum of History of Moldova
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Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC


The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2025 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
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Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC

The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2025 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC