#Exhibit of the Month


The great ruler Stephen the Great, outstanding army commander and diplomat, was also concerned during his life with the economic prosperity of the country, supporting the development of crafts, trade and fairs. During his reign, groși and half groși minted in the dinar system were issued, a monetary system introduced in Moldova during the last reign of Petru Aron (1455-1457).

The coins were minted from silver of superior title, those that reflect stability in the economic life of the country at that time. Their masterful execution at the Suceava mint is among the beautiful artistic achievements during the reign of Stephen the Great.

During his reign, two types of issues were minted, for the two denominations: groși and half groși.

Type I issues have a split shield on the obverse; in the first quarter appears a rose surmounted by a cross and three fascias, in the second quarter. For the epigraph issues (groși), the image is accompanied by the circular legend with the name of the issuer: + STEFANVS VOIEVODA. On the other side appears the bour's head with a star between the horns accompanied by the heraldic furniture - the rose and the contoured crescent, placed to the right and left of the bour's head; circular legend: MOLDAVIE COIN.

On type II coins in the shield on the obverse appears a patriarchal cross (double) and the legend STEFANVSVOIEVOD or abbreviated STEFANVSVOIE. On the reverse, as in type I, the bour's head with heraldic attributes is preserved: rose right/crescent left and crescent right/rose left. A star or rose appears between the ox's horns. The legend accompanying the face with the bour head is MONETAMOLDAVI or abbreviated MONETAMOLDA.

The dating of Stephen the Great's coins is still under discussion. According to one opinion, type I issues were minted between 1457-1476, and type II between 1480/1481-1505 (Octavian Iliescu), and another 1465/1467-1475/1476 for type I and 1476/1479-1497 for type II (Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu).

The coins in this showcase were discovered during the archaeological excavations at Orheiul Vechi (Trebujeni, Orhei district) in the 6th and 7th decades of the 20th century:

1. Type I money issues, groși, silver
2. Type II money issues, groși, silver
3. Type II coin issue, half groși, silver

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Publications Journal „Tyragetia"   vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 2

The Gagauz in the context of the Romanian-Turkish relations in the period from 1918 to 1940: History and personalities
ISSN 1857-0240
E-ISSN 2537-6330

The Gagauz in the context of the Romanian-Turkish relations in the period from 1918 to 1940: History and personalities

Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. IX [XXIV], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie Chișinău, 2015


The article first introduces unknown documents from the archives of Turkey, Romania and the Republic of Moldova related to the "Gagauz problem" in the context of the Romanian-Turkish relations. The authors have paid attention mainly on the education field, where Turkish cultural and ideological influence was the most noticeable. In the dissemination of the policy of the Turkish identity among the Gagauz in Bessarabia, Turkish government largely relied on Gagauz intellectuals and the youth. Therefore, Turkish teachers Zahit Mehmet Boztuna, Hasan Belal Kilic Ahmed Mehmed, Sali Ismail, Osman Abdullah, Ali and Bayram Cantarelli, and others were sent to Gagauz villages. They had an appropriate authorization from the Romanian Ministry of National Education to teach Turkish language for two hours a week and provided the training in the Gagauz and Bulgarian-Gagauz villages of Comrat, Congaz, Kubey, Chadir-Lunga, Congaz, etc. According to some reports, their activities were funded from the Turkish and partly from the Romanian budget. At the same time, the Turkish government encouraged Gagauz young people to enter secondary, high and specialized secondary schools in Ankara and Istanbul. Students were guaranteed a hostel, training for the budget account and scholarships. The article reflects a huge role of the Turkish Ambassador in Romania Hamdullah Subhi Tanriyover (1931-1944), who initiated and conducted most of the work on the organization of Turkish language teaching in Gagauz villages, provision of textbooks and teacher training.

List of the illustrations (photographs from St. S. Bulgar's personal archive):
Fig. 1. The Turkish Ambassador in Romania Hamdullah Subhi Tanriyover (1931-1944).
Fig. 2. Turkish teacher Osman Abdullah and his wife Anastasia (Sakally). Kubey village, 1940.
Fig. 3. School-leaving certificate of Semen Vasilyevich Donchev (born in 1931) from the village of Cîrlaneni, signed by the school director Ali Cantarell (former teacher of Turkish language). 20.08.1946.
Fig. 4. Gagauz students during studying in the Men's Teacher Training College. Istanbul, 1939.
Fig. 5. Gagauz students with the teachers during the studies in the Men's Teacher Training College. Istanbul, 1939. Fig. 6. Building of a male school. Istanbul, 1930s.
Fig. 7. Sleeping quarters of a male school. Istanbul, 1930s.
Fig. 8. Gagauz students while studying in the Men's Teacher Training College. Istanbul, 1938.
Fig. 9. The order signed by the President of Turkey Atatürk: the admission to study at the Galatasaray High School.
Istanbul, 1934.
Fig. 10. Building of the Galatasaray High School. Istanbul, 2014.
Fig. 11. Magazine "VARLIK" (1939, ѡ 139), which published the works of folklore collected by P. Zavrak in Gagauz villages of Bessarabia.
Fig. 12. Brothers Pyotr and Dimitry Zavrak (left to right). Turkey, 1941.
Fig. 13. Intellectuals of Vulcanești village with representatives of the Romanian authorities in 1939 (Irina Bulgar stands in the second row, third from right).
Fig. 14. Emin Mutaf (George Mutafov), Vice President of the Aegean University in Izmir, Turkey. 1960s.
Fig. 15. Vasily Chebanov (Özdemir Chobanoglu) while studying in the Bolgrad Grammar School (in center, in a white hat). 1937.
Fig. 16. Vasily Chebanov (Özdemir Chobanoglu).
Fig. 17. Letter from Hamdullaha Subhi Tanryѐver to Özdemir Chobanoglu (Vasily Chebanov). 04.28.1964.
Fig. 18. Teacher's Certificate issued to Özdemir Chobanoglu (Vasily Chebanov) by the Ministry of Culture of Turkey in 1939.
Fig. 19. Musicologist and composer Veysel Arseven (Vasily Ёkyuzchyu) with his family. Ankara, Turkey, 1960s.
Fig. 20. Director of the Galatasaray High School Ali Kaigy (George Kaikeyi). Istanbul, 1965.
Fig. 21. From the personal file of the French language teacher Ali Kaigy (George Kaikeyi), Galatasaray High School.
Istanbul, 1965.
Fig. 22. Undocumented immigrants, issued to Mete Kargalyk (Dimitry Gargalic) in 1940 in the Republic of Turkey. Fig. 23. Certificate of assigning an oҌcer rank, issued to Mete Kargalyk (Dimitry Gargalic) after service in the
Turkish army. 1947.

Ivan Duminica
The policy of the Russian Empire aimed at the granting of privileges to Bulgarian colonists in Bessarabia in the first half of 19th century
Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. VI [XXI], nr. 2, Istorie. Muzeologie



Independent Moldova
Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic
Bessarabia and MASSR between the Two World Wars
Bessarabia and Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the Period between the Two World Wars
Revival of National Movement
Time of Reforms and their Consequences
Abolition of Autonomy. Bessarabia – a New Tsarist Colony
Period of Relative Autonomy of Bessarabia within the Russian Empire
Phanariot Regime
Golden Age of the Romanian Culture
Struggle for Maintaining of Independence of Moldova
Formation of Independent Medieval State of Moldova
Era of the
Great Nomad Migrations
Early Middle Ages
Iron Age and Antiquity
Bronze Age
Aeneolithic Age
Neolithic Age
Palaeolithic Age

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#Exhibit of the Month

The great ruler Stephen the Great, outstanding army commander and diplomat, was also concerned during his life with the economic prosperity of the country, supporting the development of crafts, trade and fairs. During his reign, groși and half groși minted in the dinar system were issued, a monetary system introduced in Moldova during the last reign of Petru Aron (1455-1457)...


The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
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The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
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Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC

The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC