#Exhibit of the Month


The great ruler Stephen the Great, outstanding army commander and diplomat, was also concerned during his life with the economic prosperity of the country, supporting the development of crafts, trade and fairs. During his reign, groși and half groși minted in the dinar system were issued, a monetary system introduced in Moldova during the last reign of Petru Aron (1455-1457).

The coins were minted from silver of superior title, those that reflect stability in the economic life of the country at that time. Their masterful execution at the Suceava mint is among the beautiful artistic achievements during the reign of Stephen the Great.

During his reign, two types of issues were minted, for the two denominations: groși and half groși.

Type I issues have a split shield on the obverse; in the first quarter appears a rose surmounted by a cross and three fascias, in the second quarter. For the epigraph issues (groși), the image is accompanied by the circular legend with the name of the issuer: + STEFANVS VOIEVODA. On the other side appears the bour's head with a star between the horns accompanied by the heraldic furniture - the rose and the contoured crescent, placed to the right and left of the bour's head; circular legend: MOLDAVIE COIN.

On type II coins in the shield on the obverse appears a patriarchal cross (double) and the legend STEFANVSVOIEVOD or abbreviated STEFANVSVOIE. On the reverse, as in type I, the bour's head with heraldic attributes is preserved: rose right/crescent left and crescent right/rose left. A star or rose appears between the ox's horns. The legend accompanying the face with the bour head is MONETAMOLDAVI or abbreviated MONETAMOLDA.

The dating of Stephen the Great's coins is still under discussion. According to one opinion, type I issues were minted between 1457-1476, and type II between 1480/1481-1505 (Octavian Iliescu), and another 1465/1467-1475/1476 for type I and 1476/1479-1497 for type II (Ernest Oberländer-Târnoveanu).

The coins in this showcase were discovered during the archaeological excavations at Orheiul Vechi (Trebujeni, Orhei district) in the 6th and 7th decades of the 20th century:

1. Type I money issues, groși, silver
2. Type II money issues, groși, silver
3. Type II coin issue, half groși, silver

Virtual Tour

Events Archive

Festive meeting dedicated to the Professional Day of Historians

18 June 2022

On Saturday, June 18, 2022, the Blue Room of the National Museum of History of Moldova hosted the festive meeting dedicated to the Professional Day of Historians, established by the decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova no. 427 of June 10, 2011. The event was attended by historians, teachers, ethnographers, museographers, archivists, students and history lovers


Exam at the museum

15 June 2022

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sergei Rachmaninov, Petr Tchaikovsky, Eugen Doga... Music to the notes of these and other great composers was performed on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, in the Blue Room of the National Museum of History of Moldova


Old-time dances at the NMHM

13 June 2022

On June 13, 2022, the Blue Room of the National Museum of History of Moldova was enlivened. This happened thanks to the students of the Theater Art Department of the Faculty of Theater, Choreography and Multimedia of the Academy of Music, Theater and Fine Arts


Results of the competition for the Project of arranging the site adjacent to the Alexei Shchusev’s House Museum

9 June 2022

On June 9, 2022, the results of the competition for the Project of arranging the site adjacent to the Alexei Shchusev's House Museum were announced


The event with the title “Moldova’s Got Art”

3 June 2022

On Friday, June 3, 2022, the courtyard of the National Museum of History of Moldova was full of yellow, the color of inspiration, and of floral prints, the symbols of endless summer!


Cultural and entertainment program dedicated to International Children’s Day

1 June 2022

On June 1, the National Museum of History of Moldova held a cultural and entertainment program "It's your day, young friend! Come to the museum!" dedicated to International Children's Day


The opening of the exhibition "The Polish School of Illustration"

1 June 2022

On June 1, in the National Museum of History of Moldova, the opening of the exhibition "The Polish School of Illustration" took place


The 7th National Choral Music Contest “Spring Hora”

29 May 2022

On Sunday, May 29, 2022, the 7th National Choral Music Contest "Spring Hora" dedicated to the great composer and conductor Victor Creangă was held at the National Museum of History of Moldova. The contest is organized at the initiative of Ms. Elena Marian, President of the Musical Choral Association, Master of Art


Dual Education Day in Chișinău

28 May 2022

On Saturday, May 28, 2022, the courtyard of the National Museum of History of Moldova hosted a series of activities dedicated to dual technical vocational education - an alternative form of classical technical vocational education. Dozens of young people explored interesting and well-paid trades on Dual Education Day!


International Day of Families 2022

22 May 2022

On Sunday, May 22, the International Day of Families was celebrated at the National Museum of History of Moldova.

On the occasion of this holiday, the museum held a number of wonderful activities under the title "Children's and Parents' Sunday"


The opening of the temporary exhibition "Magic of Lights of Other Times"

18 May 2022

On May 18, 2022, in Room 2 on the ground floor of the National Museum of History of Moldova, the opening of the temporary exhibition "Magic of Lights of Other Times" took place


International Museum Day 2022

18 May 2022

On Saturday, May 18, 2022, at the National Museum of History of Moldova took place one of the most important events in the life of the world museum community, the International Museum Day, which this year was held under the motto "The Power of Museums"


The European Night of Museums 2022

14 May 2022

On Saturday, May 14, 2022, from 18:00 to 23:00, at the National Museum of History of Moldova, one of the most important events in the life of the world museum community took place - the European Night of Museums, which this year was held under the motto "The light gives splendor to the night..."


The 16th Heraldry Symposium

27 April 2022

On April 27, 2022, when the Republic of Moldova celebrates the Day of its State Flag and the State Emblem, the 16th Heraldry Symposium was held at the National Museum of History of Moldova, in which about 30 people took part on-site and online


“King’s Day” celebrated at the National Museum of History of Moldova

26 April 2022

On Tuesday, April 26, 2022, the National Museum of History of Moldova was pleased to host a reception organized by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the occasion of King's Day, the national holiday of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The event was attended by friends and partners of the "country of tulips", who celebrated the most important national holiday of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This action is part of the NMHM's long and beautiful collaboration with the embassy in recent years. The National Museum of History of Moldova joins the congratulations on this occasion! Long live the King! 


Totalization meeting for the project "For Ukraine"

21 April 2022

On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, a meeting was held at the Embassy of Ukraine in Chișinău to sum up and announce the results of the "For Ukraine" project. The event was attended by representatives of the organizing institutions and partners involved in the project


The National Session of Archaeological Reports (campaign 2021)

20 April 2022

On April 20, 2022, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the National Archaeological Commission, the National Session of Reports "Archaeological Research in the Republic of Moldova, Campaign 2021" took place. The scientific meeting was organized in partnership by the National Archaeological Agency and the National Museum of History of Moldova on the occasion of the International Day for Monuments and Sites celebrated annually on April 18


Charity event at the art exhibition

6 April 2022

On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at the National Museum of History of Moldova, the Hospices of Hope Moldova and the Embassy of Ukraine in Chisinau organized a charity reception entitled "For Ukraine - Charity Reception", which was attended by officials, ambassadors, businessmen, artists of Ukrainian origin , refugees in the Republic of Moldova. The event benefited from an artistic program offered by Igor Znatakov, the chief conductor of the V. Vasilko Ukrainian Music and Drama Theater in Odessa, together with his family. Olesea Shevchenko, wife of the Ambassador of Ukraine in Chisinau, president of the non-profit organization International Women's Club of Moldova, gave an extraordinary recital of Ukrainian songs


Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive

26 September 2021

The Distinguished Gentleman's Drive was a celebration of classic style. 2021 was the inaugural event, that took place on Sunday, September 26th. It is an on-road motoring event, uniting pre-80's classic cars, designed to encourage enthusiasts and vintage car owners around the world to dress dapper and drive for men's health. All funds raised by our Distinguished Gentlefolk support our charity partner, Movember. These funds are invested in vital research and programs for prostate cancer and men's mental health to support the wellbeing of men all around the world. The Distinguished Gentleman's Drive is a themed event, where drivers and their passengers dress dapper to complement the elegant design of their vehicles


Cycle of actions “Moldova-30”

27 August 2021

On August 27, 2021, the Blue Room of the National Museum of History of Moldova held the official ceremony of the introduction into circulation of postage stamps dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the Independence of the Republic of Moldova and 30 years since the issuance of the first postage stamps of the Republic of Moldova. The event took place within the "Moldova-30" National Program of Actions dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Moldova and was carried out in collaboration with SE "Post of Moldova" and the Union of Philatelists of the Republic of Moldova


<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 >>



Independent Moldova
Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic
Bessarabia and MASSR between the Two World Wars
Bessarabia and Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the Period between the Two World Wars
Revival of National Movement
Time of Reforms and their Consequences
Abolition of Autonomy. Bessarabia – a New Tsarist Colony
Period of Relative Autonomy of Bessarabia within the Russian Empire
Phanariot Regime
Golden Age of the Romanian Culture
Struggle for Maintaining of Independence of Moldova
Formation of Independent Medieval State of Moldova
Era of the
Great Nomad Migrations
Early Middle Ages
Iron Age and Antiquity
Bronze Age
Aeneolithic Age
Neolithic Age
Palaeolithic Age

Come to Museum! Discover the History!
Visit museum
Visit museum
Summer schedule: daily
10am – 6pm.

Winter schedule: daily
10am – 5pm.
Closed on Mondays.
Entrance fees:  adults - 10 MDL, pensioners, adults with moderate disabilities / disability of the 3rd degree, students - 5 MDL, school students - 2 MDL. Free access: enlisted men (...)

WiFi Free Wi-Fi Zone in the museum: In the courtyard of the National History Museum of Moldova there is Wi-Fi Internet access for visitors.

#Exhibit of the Month

The great ruler Stephen the Great, outstanding army commander and diplomat, was also concerned during his life with the economic prosperity of the country, supporting the development of crafts, trade and fairs. During his reign, groși and half groși minted in the dinar system were issued, a monetary system introduced in Moldova during the last reign of Petru Aron (1455-1457)...


The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC


The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC

The National Museum of History of Moldova takes place among the most significant museum institutions of the Republic of Moldova, in terms of both its collection and scientific reputation.
©2006-2024 National Museum of History of Moldova
Visit museum 31 August 1989 St., 121 A, MD 2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Secretariat: +373 (22) 24-43-25
Department of Public Relations and Museum Education: +373 (22) 24-04-26
Fax: +373 (22) 24-43-69
E-mail: office@nationalmuseum.md
Technical Support: info@nationalmuseum.md
Web site administration and maintenance: Andrei EMILCIUC